Datum Planes

  1. San Francisco City Datum is 6.70 feet above ordinary high water mark, which was formerly on a pile at the Boat House, corner Pacific and Davis Sts.
  2. USC and GS Sea level datum of the first order level net 1929 general adjustment is 8.616 feet below San Francisco City datum. Determined by the City and County Engineer’s office precise level party interconnecting between USC and GS bench marks on first order level net and City and County of San Francisco Bench Marks.(Note – 30 USC and GS BMs used in making this Field connection)
  3. USC and GS determination of City and County of San Francisco Datum = 8.61 feet.  (Note - No reference given of how this was determined)
  4. Mean sea level at the Presidio primary tide station = sea level datum of the first order level Net (1929 general adjustment). This plain is 3.05 feet above mean lower low water at this tidal station. Mean sea level at the Presidio primary tide station is 0.08 feet higher than standard sea level previously used before 1929.
  5. S.P.R.R.Co. datum plane is according to S.P.R.R. Co. records 4.735 feet below S.P.R.R.Co.B.M. at 4th and Townsend Streets.The elevation of this BM was determined by the City Engineers precise leveling in 1900 to be 0.786 below city base. (4.735+0.786= 5.521,San Francisco Datum is 5.521 feet higher than S.P.R.R.Co.  Datum)
  6. Spring Valley Water Co. Base referred to as Crystal Springs Datum and also as S.F.W.D. Datum was found by precise leveling at University Mound Reservoir to be 4.984 feet below City of San Francisco Base.
  7. Berkeley City Base is 5.873 feet below City of San Francisco Base
  8. Oakland City Base is 5.483 feet below City of San Francisco Base
  9. Alameda City Base is 5.203 feet below City of San Francisco Base
  10. S.P.R.R.Co., Oakland is 12.283 feet below City of San Francisco Base
  11. S.P.R.R.Co., San Francisco is 5.521 feet below City of San Francisco Base

Mean Sea Level is 8.616 feet below City Datum

Mean Lower Low Water is 11.666 feet below City Datum