San Francisco Street Tree Map

About this Map

The Street Tree Map is an online database and map of San Francisco’s street trees. Anyone can look up information about these trees here, such as their location, species, pruning schedule and more, at any time.

San Francisco Public Works’ Bureau of Urban Forestry maintains and cares for all of San Francisco's street trees through a program called StreetTreeSF. The Bureau of Urban Forestry (BUF) gathers and maintains a database of approximately 125,000 public trees on sidewalks, medians, and other public rights-of-way. Tracking information on our street trees helps determine each tree's needs and condition to plan accordingly for its maintenance. Whenever a public tree is planted, pruned, or removed and replaced, the tree is surveyed, and the information is updated in the City’s database, which is then reflected on the Street Tree Map.

Disclaimer: The database and information populating this map are continually in development. As we refine and improve the quality of the data inputted, more accurate information will be reflected on this map.

Questions and feedback welcome!
